In my last blog I promised you a recipe. It took me a while to write it down, but here it is! It is a recipe for a dessert, I wouldn't call it healthy, but it isn't as bad as the desserts you can get at the supermarket. This one actually contains some proteïne and fresh fruit so it isn't that bad.
You need:
-1 tray of mascarpone
-1 jar of sugar free strawberry jam (no other artificial sweeteners either)
-1 tray of fresh or frozen strawberries (or some other fruit you may like :) )
This is what you need to do:
Put the mascarpone in a bowl and stir it up with a mixer untill it stiffens up a little (mix it for a few minutes or so) than add the jam and keep on mixing it. When the jam is blended in you can add the fruit of your choice and stir them through.
This should be enough for at least 4 portions. If you like you can add some whipped cream sweetened with agave syrup (so no sugar jeej ^^ )
And it looks like this:
As you can see, I am not a great photographer so it looks a bit pale and boring, but it really is delicious!
If you are making this let me know how you liked it! ^^